Masonry Fireplace-Chimney Repair Permit Requirements
This permit will allow you to repair your existing fireplace and/or chimney. The
following are the minimum requirements that must be met:
- The zoning at the address must be residential.
- The fireplace and chimney repair and construction must comply with Chapter 21, Section 2113 of the current California Building Code.
- Contact the Building Inspection Division for requirements and handouts with fireplace-chimney
repair construction requirements and diagrams.
The Masonry Fireplace Permit is NOT available if you are:
- Building a new chimney.
- Converting an existing fireplace and chimney to gas as part of the repair.
- Adding a gas appliance to the existing masonry Chimney.
- Adding a fireplace insert.
- Modifying firebox.
Two inspections are required:
- The first inspection should be scheduled when the new steel and straps are installed.
- The final inspection should be scheduled after all work is complete.